Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Center of Ioannina

“A modern and fully equipped facility”

Kinesthetic ability trainer

Kinesthetic ability trainer (KAT 2000, Breg, Inc) is used for the functional testing of balance ability. It consists of a movable platform which is supported at its central point by a small pivot. The stability of the platform is controlled by varying the pressure in a circular pneumatic cushion resting between the platform and the base of the unit. When the cushion is inflated, the platform is stabilized and when it is deflated the platform is extremely unstable. The pressure in the pneumatic cushion is based on the person's weight and on the type of test being performed. A tilt sensor on the front of the platform is connected to a computer which registers the deviation of the platform from the reference position throughout the test period. The distance from the center of the platform to the reference position is measured at every registration. Through the summation of these distances a score (Balance index- BI) is calculated. BI, therefore, quantifies the person's ability to keep the platform near the reference position; a very low BI indicates a great performance of the test (good ability to maintain the balance).

The balance tests performed with KAT-2000 are either static (fixed reference point) or dynamic (moving reference point).

In the OSMCI the KAT-2000 is used for the evaluation of balance ability in patients with ligamentous injuries of the lower limb pre-operatively, post-operatively and during the rehabilitation period. Furthermore, KAT-2000 is used for the evaluation of the effect of several factors, such as fatigue, on motor control performance and of the impact of various training programs on the balance ability.